In the last few months, I have not only discovered Pinterest, but become a full-fledged
addict. My first assignment this semester was to create a presentation about a technology (like Facebook or Twitter) and relate is to health. Yes... I chose Pinterest, and it was quite the success. After I sat down, a girl asked me to invite her, because I sold her on this new mania that is spreading like wild fire. If I make it my life goal to get the world as addicted to Pinterest as I am, I am pretty sure I will be successful.
Between this amazing website ( and
Hobby Lobby, I am quickly becoming the epitome of a Granny Crafter- at that is fine with me! I am excited to share my successes, and especially share how you can follow in my footsteps. Some things I have done from Pinterest have proved to be fun and easy, and others (like the flower wreath I'm working on right now) are a kick in the pants, but totally worth it! Pictures of the dreaded Valentine's Day wreath will soon ensue.
I am definitely going to include links to the blogs/ websites I got my craft ideas from, as to not take credit from anyone else. But, hey, maybe I will be able to post things in the future that are of my own creation!
I am still new to this whole blogging thing- probably because I don't have cute babies or a husband to blog about yet, but I guess my fun crafts and college adventures are a good place to start! Let's look at what I have done so far!
Most of what I've done from Pinterest thus far have been Christmas presents for my 9 nieces and nephews this last Christmas. Everything turned out great! Here is what I did!
Homemade Angry Bird Game
This was for Brock and Thayne. Here is the link to the blog that I got the idea from,, but I did make it my own, so I will expound.
What you will need:
20 small styrofoam balls
2-3 large styrofoam balls (for those giant dark red guys)
Packet of 50 googly eyes
One sheet each of red, yellow, black, and orange felt
Black and red pipe cleaners
Acrylic paint in blue, red, green, yellow, black, and dark red
Foam paint brush
Glue gun
Sling shot ($5 at any outdoor store. I got mine at Sportsmans)
Small Dole cups
Wide popsicle sticks
As far as the slingshots go, you can use your own discretion. The boys I made this for are 4 and 5, so they actually had a blast just throwing the birds. The cups and popsicle sticks are to build the towers with, but you are more than welcome to build with whatever you can find!
The acrylic paint did pretty well at covering the styrofoam. They took a little longer that spray paint would have, but spray paint tends to disintegrate styrofoam.
Once we got all the felt cut out (my best friend and I just popped in a movie and visited!) the birds and pigs came together pretty quick!
Doesn't that just look like FUN in a box??
This project is definitely one that took more time, but it was worth it! The boys got a gift that they definitely weren't getting from Santa. This one, I will log as a SUCCESS.