Friday, June 3, 2011

Paw Prints and Guardian Angels

     This blog isn't going to be a way for me to bare my soul for the world to see (some things should be kept private, people!!! haha), but I am excited to put into writing the things that mean something to me. It is a well-known fact that once something is released to the internet, it will be there forever. I started this blog as a fun way to keep something like a journal. I know, I'm not getting married anytime soon, and that I don't have adorable children to show off yet, but I am positive that I will someday enjoy looking back on how my life was like when I was 20 years old in the year 2011. My Grandma Betty loves going back to her journals, often sharing with me the things that meant something to her in the past. I really want that.

     Isn't it crazy that one simple image could mean so much?

     I guess this post will be about something that started a long time ago, and still affects me to this day. When I was young, something awful happened to me and I lost a parent. However, that something led to many great things happening. I moved on to grow in a home that taught me to love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I have a huge and wonderful family, two parents who love me very very much, big goals I will achieve, and so much more. I'm not saying that none of that would have happened had my life taken a different track, but I know that I wouldn't have a special guardian angel with me every day now, had I not gone through this loss. For anyone who has lost someone, there are so many reasons you can put into your head about why such a terrible thing would happen, but what does dwelling in the past do for you? I was lucky enough to be raised to seek the great things in life and every situation I have. Yeah, I suffered a loss, but now I have someone watching over me every second of every day. Some say that when a person dies, they are so busy living and doing things on the other side of the spectrum that they don't have the time to keep an eye on living loved ones. I find that true as well, but for only part of the time.

    Every time I see the image of a lion cub paw print, my mind immediately turns itself to Lion King. And then I think about a wonderful man named Billy Brown.  Random you say? Oh, but no ;)..... When Simba was a young cub, he lost his father suddenly. Life seemed like it stopped, that there was nothing good that would come from such an awful thing happening to someone so young and innocent. Simba then had an experience that made him realize that his father still loved him, and watched out for him throughout everything (triumph, as well as tribulation). Simba eventually became a strong, valiant lion, and achieved much. A crucial reason for such a happy ending was the fact that, through the loving protection of a guardian angel, Simba took something terrible and made it into something wonderful. We will all lose someone we love at some point in our life. It happens. The most important thing to remember is that when a mortal body no longer holds a spirit, that spirit lives on, and so does love.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pink Hair and Mario Kart, the Summer of 2011!

            The sophomore year of my college career is over, and I can’t believe it! I am starting to enjoy life without the nagging, ugly cloud of school looming over my head. This summer, Lauren and I decided to stay up in Provo, rather than going home for yet another long summer without the freedom we have become accustomed to. While I miss home and my family, the freedom of being an adult is still something that is new and exciting. I was going to be an overachiever and take online classes to get ahead, but the thought of more hours at work (which equates to more money!!!) was more alluring. I have been grabbing as many shifts in the customer service department at Platinum Protection as I can get my hands on. I am actually an hour and 13 minutes into a 15 hour shift right now! Now, some may say that my migraines (or whatever else is wrong with me) may have caused  something in my brain to malfunction, further causing me to make the insane decision to work such a monster shift on a holiday. However, let me break it down for you: 15 hours on holiday pay (time and a half)….. yah baby…… long story short, I’ll be the one laughing when I get my paycheck, haha!

So far, my time off school has been great! It’s been full of dying a streak of my hair fun colors [hot pink right now!] with Susie Alico (and giving my parents miniature heart attacks at the same time), bonfires with friends, and taking care of my pet fishy, Cosmo. Cosmo’s not a puppy, like I’ve REALLY been wanting, but he will do for now. I have invested in Mario Kart for my Wii, and so far, it has been well worth my money. Lauren and I have no shortage of people to play with us. Thus far, we have gotten our friends Madeline, Connor, Adam, and Brock addicted to our awesome game, and I am sure there are more to come as time goes on. I have discovered the wonderful world of wedding planning with girls at work ( is the BEST wedding blog there is). I have also rediscovered crocheting and crossword puzzles: the GIANT puzzles from SCRAMBLE-GRAM Inc. are the way to go (they are the same puzzles that are in the STAR magazine every week). I am also reading as many David Baldacci and John Grisham books as I can get my hands on. Currently, Stone Cold by Baldacci is keeping me pretty busy. So…… long story short, this summer has been AWESOME, but for some reason that will not be disclosed at this time, I am pretty excited for the end of the summer to roll around…… ;)

My buddies out in the mission field are never far from my mind (our pictures with them are EVERYWHERE in our apartment, and sometimes used to scare scary boys away…) and I think and pray for them often. Chase is in Bolivia, Matt in El Salvador/Belize, and Jeremy in Mexico. Yes, they are all perfecting the Spanish language, with I am sure will be put into good use with each other after they get back.  They are all doing well, and I am one proud friend. As much as I miss them, I am often reminded of the blessings of missionary work, both for the missionary and those they teach. Keep up the good work guys!

So, let’s do a little bit of what everyone has to do every time they start a new journal or whatever…. A mini “About Me”… I am 20 years old, a student in the Public Health Program at BYU, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Right now, here are my favorites:
Color: Hot Pink ;D
Shows: Psych, Bones, Criminal Minds, Law and Order, Pretty Little Liars, COPS, The Glades, House…
Movies: Tangled, Remember the Titans (that’s a permanent fave), Limitless….. eh, I guess I’m not the biggest movie watcher…
Song: Super Bass, by Nicki Minaj and Party Rock Anthem, by LMFAO
Church Hymn: How Great Thou Art (ESPECIALLY when sung by Carrie Underwood)
Food: sticky rice with ranch on top, baby carrots, and PEANUT BUTTER (not all together though, that’s gross…. :P)
Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry’s: Red Velvet Ice Cream (oh yeeeeeah, Lauren haha)
Person: well, according to my Facebook status, its Lauren haha, what are you gonna do, huh?
Store: Papaya, at the University Mall. It is newly discovered, and when I get paid, I’m going to try and stay away as long as I can!
Game on my phone: Words with Friends! Pretty much because I’m kicking Lauren’s sorry butt right now…
Thing to do on a warm night: going on long walks with a friend, or even alone when I have a lot to think about ;)